Wounded Warriors WOTC
Thursday, December 1st, 2011 | Enterprise Zones, Tax News
The 2011 Heroes Act expands the WOTC to include:
- Employers that hire veterans who have been looking for employment for more than six months may be eligible for a Returning Heroes Tax Credit of up to $5,600 per employee; employers that hire veterans who have been looking for employment for less than six months may be eligible for a credit of up to $2,400 per employee.
- Employers that hire veterans with service-connected disabilities who have been looking for employment for more than six months may be eligible for a Wounded Warriors Tax Credit of up to $9,600 per employee.
The credits apply to individuals who begin work after November 21, 2011 and on or before December 31, 2012. Keep in mind that the Heroes Act does not extend WOTC’s current December 31, 2011 sunset date for all other potentially elilgible WOTC participaants.