Enterprise Zone Tax Credits Offer You Thousands of Dollars in Tax Refunds
Enterprise Zone Tax Credits provide businesses with significant tax incentives aimed at promoting growth and expansion within designated Enterprise Zones. Currently, there are 42 designated Enterprise Zones throughout California. Contact C&I for a free Tax Credit Benefit Assessment
There are Substantial Benefits Available
Qualifying businesses are eligible for substantial tax credits and benefits including:
- Hiring Tax Credit: The most lucrative tax credit in the state, the Hiring Tax Credit allows an employer to take credits of up to $36,660 per qualified employee over a five year period. See chart below.
- Sales or Use Tax Credit: A tax credit equal to the amount of sales or use tax paid on qualified purchases such as machinery, computers, phone systems, copiers, etc. used in the zone.
- Net Interest Deduction for Lenders: Lenders can deduct the net interest earned on loans made to a business located solely in an Enterprise Zone. Businesses located in an Enterprise Zone maybe able to negotiate better loans if they are familiar with the Net Interest Deduction advantage.
- Business Expense Deduction: Accelerated depreciation is available for qualified personal property purchased for exclusive use within an Enterprise Zone. Maximum expense deduction available in the amount of up to $40,000 in any given year.
Company Qualifications
- Doing business within one of California’s designated enterprise zones;
- Employing one or more qualified employees;
- Paying or expecting to pay California taxes.
Does your company qualify? See a list of all 42 California Enterprise Zones
CNN Important article on “Enterprise zones yield lucrative tax breaks” with interview of C & I Tax CEO, Steve Dotan.