Heads-Up – Changes in Pass-through Entity Return Penalties
Recently signed legislation, SB 401, changed the partnership late filing penalty and added a new late filing penalty for S corporation returns. / more+
How do I Report a Short Sale?
In prior issues of Tax News we have addressed several issues related to foreclosures. In our February 2010 issue, we addressed how the State of California civil procedures interact with the Internal Revenue Code 108. / more+
Tax Relief to Baja California Quake Victims
We offer taxpayers affected by the Baja California earthquake in the federally-declared disaster area special tax relief. / more+
Statutes of Limitations on Assessments
This is the first in a series of four articles on Statutes of Limitations (SOL) that relate to California tax law. This month’s article addresses common SOLs for assessments unrelated to federal action. / more+
Available Now: Free California Source Income Withholding Webinar in June 2010
We will host a free California source income withholding webinar in June 2010. The topic is Property Management Withholding. / more+
IRS Nationwide Tax Forums Registration Available!
Join tax professionals from across the country for three days of the latest tax law information, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, and exhibits of the latest tax products and financial services to improve your business. / more+
Small Business
Does Your Client Know that the Estimated Tax Payment Percentages Changed for 2010?
In 2009, the estimated payment percentages were 30 percent, 30 percent, 20 percent, and 20 percent for respective quarters. For taxable years beginning on or after January 1, 2010, the estimated tax payment percentages have changed for individuals and corporations. / more+
Ask the Advocate
What You Should Know About FTB Wage Garnishments
An Earnings Withholding Order for Taxes (EWOT) is a continuing wage garnishment on earnings due to a taxpayer from an employer and is subject to the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure Section 706.010 et seg. / more+
Inside FTB
Take a look at the changes happening here at FTB. / more+
Criminal Corner
Our monthly summary on bringing tax criminals to justice, and closing the tax gap one case at a time. / more+
Big Business
Estimated Fee for LLCs Due
For most calendar year LLCs, June 15 is the date that their 2010 estimated LLC fee is due. For fiscal year LLCs, the estimated fee is due on the 15th day of the sixth month of the current taxable year. LLCs use Form 3536, Estimated Fee for LLCs, to make their estimated fee payments. / more+