Enterprise Zones the One Bright Spot in an Otherwise Tough California Business Climate
In a recent survey, ”almost three-fourths (73%) of California firms that do business in multiple states say it is harder doing business in the Golden State than in other states, according to the 2012 business climate survey of the California Foundation for Commerce and Education. That finding is higher than in 2011 (57%) or in 2010 (63%). The study of 699 businesses is sponsored by the California Chamber of Commerce. No one in the 2012 survey said California is an easier place to do business.”
Respondents are “overwhelmingly unimpressed by California’s state government. Only 2% could name a state action in the past year that helped make it easier to run their business. Among the action named were enterprise zone tax credits, worker’s compensation reform and minimum-wage increase failed.”
Read the full OC Register article.
Tags: california enterprise zone, california tax law, canditax, enterprise zone news, Enterprise Zone Program, Enterprise Zone Tax Credits, Enterprise Zones, governor, hiring tax credit