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Posts Tagged ‘Frank Luera’

Them Changes – Frank Luera Calling it Quits from HCD

Monday, June 22nd, 2009 | Tax News

As he put in the subject line of his email “Them Changes” are happening at HCD. Frank Luera, head of California’s Economic Development Section in charge of the Enterprise Zone program recently announced that he is retiring from the HCD. Few individuals have been more involved or more instrumental in the Enterprise Zone program. Frank worked tirelessly to advance the Enterprise Zone program. I even recall getting email responses from him late and night and on weekends. How many government officials can you say that about!

Frank did not let on regarding what his future holds, but left his options open. His last day with HCD will this Friday, June 19. At C&I, we want to thank Frank for all of his insight and hard work and wish him well wherever he may end up.

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